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IIK Bhakta again made a proud achievement, namely Meike Nur Cahyati, a S1 Public Health student who won the women's favorite winner in the 2022 Generation Planning Ambassadors (GENRE) event held by the Office of Women's Empowerment, Restoration of Children's Rights, Population Control and Family Planning (DP3AP2KB) Kediri City, Sunday 5 June 2022.From a series of auditions that have been conducted since March 2022, 10 finalists were taken from 50 participants to advance to the Grand Final. In the final event, Meike managed to come out as the favorite champion of the female ambassador of the Kota Kediri 2022 genre.Meike, who is also an active member of the Student Counseling and Information Center UKM (PIK-M) Garuda IIK Bhakta, admitted that he was proud of this achievement. "I'm proud to be the favorite champion in the selection of Genre Ambassadors for the City of Kediri this year, although I haven't won 1st place yet, I make this achievement my initial milestone to achieve again at a higher level," he hoped.