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D3 Physiotherapy

The main competency of graduates of this program is to provide medical rehabilitation services for patients with physical injuries, aging, disease, or environmental factors.

D3 Physiotherapy

Degree : Diploma D3
SKS : 115
Duration : 4 Year
Title : Ahli Madya Kesehatan (A.Md.Kes)

Accreditation LAM-PTKes

Very Good | 0359/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/IX/2021

A glimpse of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program

Physiotherapy is a form of health service aimed at individuals and/or groups to develop, maintain, and restore movement and bodily functions throughout the lifespan using manual therapy, movement enhancement, equipment (physical, electrotherapeutic, and mechanical), functional training, and communication.

Physiotherapy is based on scientific and dynamic theories applied widely in terms of healing, recovery, maintenance, and promotion of optimal bodily movement function, including: managing movement and functional disorders, enhancing physical and body functional abilities, restoring, maintaining, and promoting optimal physical function, fitness, and physical health, movement-related quality of life and health, preventing the occurrence of disorders, symptoms, and development, limitations of functional abilities, as well as disabilities that may be caused by diseases, disorders, conditions, or injuries. Furthermore, anyone who has completed physiotherapy education in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.

Why Study this Study Program at IIK Bhakta?

Located strategically in East Java, IIK Bhakta has established collaborations with various hospitals in East Java and Central Java. It provides adequate facilities and infrastructure, affordable tuition fees, produces high-quality graduates, has well-equipped laboratories, air-conditioned classrooms, and offers additional skills in acupuncture and acupressure.

Future Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Physiotherapy D3 program have various job opportunities. The majority of graduates work as:

  1. Civil servants (PNS) in hospitals or health centers.
  2. Physiotherapists in private hospitals.
  3. Physiotherapists in healthcare clinics.
  4. Therapists in fitness clubs/sports clubs.
  5. Therapists in beauty care centers (salons and spas).
  6. Independent practitioners.
  7. Home visit therapists.
  8. Developmental clinics.
  9. Pursuing further education at a higher level.




Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

The D3 Physiotherapy study program student, Mulyani Dwi Atmojo, won 3rd place in the Male Category in the Pencak Silat UNP CUP event at the PGRI University of Kediri.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

D3 Physiotherapy student represented by Mohammad Ainurrahman Won 1st Place in the 2018 High Ollie Skateboard Competition in Sumenep, Madura.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

Elkana Gary Sayo, D3 Physiotherapy Study Program Student Won 1st Place in the 2018 Kediri City Traffic Ambassador.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Health

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program Speech

Whida Rahmawati, SST.FT, M , Kaprodi D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D3 Physiotherapy

Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi merupakan program studi vokasi yang berda dibawah Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu KEsehatan Bhakti WIyata Kediri dan berdiri sejak bulan September 2005 TERDAFTAR berdasarkan SK pendirian No : 139/D/O/2005. Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi telah terakreditasi B oleh Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan dengan no SK 0359/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/IX/2021, tanggal 10 September 2021.

Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi berorientasi untuk menghasilkan tenaga teknis fisioterapi yang siap bekerja dalam pelayanan tindakan teknis fisioterapi, sebagai edukator dalam bidang fisioterapi, sebagai pelaksana promotor kesehatan di bidang fisioterapi, sebagai pengelola ALur teknis Pelayanan Fisioterapi dan sebagai asisten peneliti klinik di dalam bidang fisioterapi khususnya fisioterapi muskuloskeletal dan olahraga. Kurikulum D3 Fisioterapi yang digunakan berbasis KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) dengan menitikberatkan pada mata kuliah praktikum dalam meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan. Mahasiswa D3 Fisioterapi sudah dibekali PKL di rumah sakit dan klinik fisioterapi khusus berdasarkan kompetensi yang dicapai. Pada masa akhir studi mahasiswa mengikuti ujian kompetensi Fisioterapi Nasional / UKOM serta diambil sumpahnya sebagai Tenaga Teknis Fisioterapi.

Sampai saat ini Prodi D3 Fisioterapi telah menghasilkan lulusan yang bekerja di berbagai bidang instansi kesehatan. Lulusan D3 Fisioterapi menjadi lulusan yang cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif singkat. Hal ini merupakan bukti nyata bahwa lulusan D3 Fisioterapi IIK Bhakta merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang banyak dibutuhkan dan mampu bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan Demikian diharapkan prodi D3 Fisioterapi dapat terus berkontribusi di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi dan misi institut dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri dharma perguruan tinggi. Berdasarkan hal ini kami berharap kepercayaan masyarakat luas kepada prodi D3 Fisioterapi akan semakin meningkat. Terima Kasih dan selamat berkarya.

Kaprodi D3 Physiotherapy

Whida Rahmawati, SST.FT, M

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become a leading program with excellent quality in the tridharma (threefold duties) in the field of sport physiotherapy and musculoskeletal management, grounded in PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.


  1. Provide competency-based education that focuses on the advancement of knowledge in the field of physiotherapy, specifically in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
  2. Conduct high-quality research based on evidence-based practice in physiotherapy, with a focus on musculoskeletal conditions.
  3. Engage in community service and involve the participation of the community, particularly in the field of musculoskeletal health.
  4. Implement modern and efficient management practices that are oriented towards achieving goals, ensuring quality assurance, and utilizing an integrated information system. The program upholds the PLUS culture, which stands for Excellence in service, Noble in character, Superior in achievement, and Prosperous in living together.

Program Objectives

  1. Produce physiotherapy graduates who possess critical and scientific thinking skills, high competitiveness, and competence in the field of physiotherapy, particularly in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
  2. Enhance partnership and collaboration with government and private institutions at the local and national levels to improve the quality of movement and bodily function, particularly in the field of musculoskeletal health.
  3. Conduct research related to the quality of movement and bodily function in the field of physiotherapy, particularly in musculoskeletal conditions.



Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


The ability to carry out physiotherapy interventions to optimize health in the musculoskeletal field, with a focus on preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, documentation, and educational efforts. Proficiency in handling emergencies in patients and the ability to perform and modify therapeutic actions for movement and function services in the musculoskeletal aspect throughout the lifespan.

Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa D3 Farmasi melaksanakan PKL sebagai tenaga teknis kefarmasian pada semester 6 (enam) selama satu bulan yang bertempat di RS. Bhayangkara Surabaya, apotek Kimia Farma Surabaya, Malang, Kediri dan sejumlah daerah lainnya di Jawa Timur.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Club kebugaran
Club kebugaran
Pusat Perawatan Kencantikan
Pusat Perawatan Kencantikan
Praktek Mandiri
Praktek Mandiri
Home Visit
Home Visit
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta?

Testimoni Mifta Holida Fitri, lulusan D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, both the faculty members and my friends were very friendly. Moreover, in the D3 Physiotherapy program, I gained knowledge about Beauty Physiotherapy and Acupressure, which I can further develop after graduation. Even before I graduated, I already had a job, and I must admit that the job market for Physiotherapy graduates from IIK Bhakta Kediri is still very vast. I had many experiences during my time at this campus that I can apply in the working world. Thank you, IIK Bhakta Physiotherapy. Wishing you continued success.

Mifta Holida Fitri
Graduation Year 2010

Testimoni Adelya Dewi Titisari, lulusan D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

The campus environment is very conducive for learning. The lessons in the D3 Physiotherapy program are highly interesting and diverse, which fuels my enthusiasm to become a physiotherapist. The professors are friendly and easy to approach for sharing and discussions. I am proud to study D3 Physiotherapy at IIK Bhakta.

Adelya Dewi Titisari
Graduation Year 2011

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D3 Physiotherapy

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta

Sekilas Tentang Program Studi D3 Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a form of health service aimed at individuals and/or groups to develop, maintain, and restore movement and bodily functions throughout the lifespan using manual therapy, movement enhancement, equipment (physical, electrotherapeutic, and mechanical), functional training, and communication.

Physiotherapy is based on scientific and dynamic theories applied widely in terms of healing, recovery, maintenance, and promotion of optimal bodily movement function, including: managing movement and functional disorders, enhancing physical and body functional abilities, restoring, maintaining, and promoting optimal physical function, fitness, and physical health, movement-related quality of life and health, preventing the occurrence of disorders, symptoms, and development, limitations of functional abilities, as well as disabilities that may be caused by diseases, disorders, conditions, or injuries. Furthermore, anyone who has completed physiotherapy education in accordance with the provisions of the regulations.

Why Study this Study Program at IIK Bhakta?

Located strategically in East Java, IIK Bhakta has established collaborations with various hospitals in East Java and Central Java. It provides adequate facilities and infrastructure, affordable tuition fees, produces high-quality graduates, has well-equipped laboratories, air-conditioned classrooms, and offers additional skills in acupuncture and acupressure.

Future Career Opportunities

Graduates of the Physiotherapy D3 program have various job opportunities. The majority of graduates work as:

  1. Civil servants (PNS) in hospitals or health centers.
  2. Physiotherapists in private hospitals.
  3. Physiotherapists in healthcare clinics.
  4. Therapists in fitness clubs/sports clubs.
  5. Therapists in beauty care centers (salons and spas).
  6. Independent practitioners.
  7. Home visit therapists.
  8. Developmental clinics.
  9. Pursuing further education at a higher level.




Bimbingan yang tepat dengan dosen-dosen berkompeten, ramah, dan terbuka.

Budaya belajar dan mengajar di IIK Bhakta :

  • Para dosen terkenal ramah dan terbuka untuk berdiskusi
  • Dosen IIK Bhakta berupaya memecahkan masalah bersama saat pembelajaran berlangsung
  • Dosen dan mahasiswa saling aktif bertukar pendapat & menghargai pendapat
  • Mahasiswa ditantang untuk belajar secara independen, inkuisitif dan terus menumbuhkan percaya diri
  • Mahasiswa dipacu untuk aktif dalam pembelajaran dan kritis dalam menanggapi isu-isu kesehatan terkini


Selain belajar bersama, dosen dan para mahasiswa di IIK Bhakta juga saling support dalam meraih prestasi bersama.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

The D3 Physiotherapy study program student, Mulyani Dwi Atmojo, won 3rd place in the Male Category in the Pencak Silat UNP CUP event at the PGRI University of Kediri.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

D3 Physiotherapy student represented by Mohammad Ainurrahman Won 1st Place in the 2018 High Ollie Skateboard Competition in Sumenep, Madura.

Achievement of D3 Physiotherapy Student

Elkana Gary Sayo, D3 Physiotherapy Study Program Student Won 1st Place in the 2018 Kediri City Traffic Ambassador.

Bhakta super app


Akses Aktivitas Akademik Secara Online dimanapun Anda Berada

Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta mendapat kemudahan mengakses online learning dan fitur penunjang lainnya dalam aplikasi Bhakta Super Apps. Hal ini merupakan wujud nyata IIK Bhakta untuk mempertahankan kualitas pembelajaran agar tetap tercapai maksimal meskipun di tengah pandemi saat ini.

Adapun fitur-fitur terbaik yang ada di aplikasi adalah:

  • Online Learning dapat diakses dimana Saja
  • Kemudahan Akses Jadwal Kuliah
  • Informasi Deadline Pengumpulan Tugas Kuliah
  • Download Materi Kuliah Sepuasnya
  • Informasi Biaya Pendidikan & Beasiswa Tersaji Secara Jelas
  • Akses Pra KRS, KRS, KHS Lebih Mudah dan Akurat
  • Akses Nilai dan Transkrip Sementara Agar MahasiswaTermotivasi
  • Evaluasi Dosen untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran dan masih banyak fitur canggih lainnya di Aplikasi OASIS IIK Bhakti Wiyata

Jemput Peluang Menjadi
Tenaga Kesehatan Profesional Sekarang!

Kembangkan Dirimu Bersama IIK Bhakta

Faculty of Health

Gedung Graha IIK Bhakta
Lantai 1, 2, 3
(0354) 773535

Head of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program Speech

Whida Rahmawati, SST.FT, M , Kaprodi D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

Selamat Datang di D3 Physiotherapy

Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi merupakan program studi vokasi yang berda dibawah Fakultas Kesehatan Institut Ilmu KEsehatan Bhakti WIyata Kediri dan berdiri sejak bulan September 2005 TERDAFTAR berdasarkan SK pendirian No : 139/D/O/2005. Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi telah terakreditasi B oleh Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Kesehatan dengan no SK 0359/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/IX/2021, tanggal 10 September 2021.

Program Studi D3 Fisioterapi berorientasi untuk menghasilkan tenaga teknis fisioterapi yang siap bekerja dalam pelayanan tindakan teknis fisioterapi, sebagai edukator dalam bidang fisioterapi, sebagai pelaksana promotor kesehatan di bidang fisioterapi, sebagai pengelola ALur teknis Pelayanan Fisioterapi dan sebagai asisten peneliti klinik di dalam bidang fisioterapi khususnya fisioterapi muskuloskeletal dan olahraga. Kurikulum D3 Fisioterapi yang digunakan berbasis KKNI (Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia) dengan menitikberatkan pada mata kuliah praktikum dalam meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan. Mahasiswa D3 Fisioterapi sudah dibekali PKL di rumah sakit dan klinik fisioterapi khusus berdasarkan kompetensi yang dicapai. Pada masa akhir studi mahasiswa mengikuti ujian kompetensi Fisioterapi Nasional / UKOM serta diambil sumpahnya sebagai Tenaga Teknis Fisioterapi.

Sampai saat ini Prodi D3 Fisioterapi telah menghasilkan lulusan yang bekerja di berbagai bidang instansi kesehatan. Lulusan D3 Fisioterapi menjadi lulusan yang cepat mendapatkan pekerjaan dengan masa tunggu relatif singkat. Hal ini merupakan bukti nyata bahwa lulusan D3 Fisioterapi IIK Bhakta merupakan tenaga kesehatan yang banyak dibutuhkan dan mampu bersaing didunia kerja. Dengan Demikian diharapkan prodi D3 Fisioterapi dapat terus berkontribusi di dunia kesehatan sesuai dengan visi dan misi institut dan ikut serta dalam mencerdaskan bangsa melalui Tri dharma perguruan tinggi. Berdasarkan hal ini kami berharap kepercayaan masyarakat luas kepada prodi D3 Fisioterapi akan semakin meningkat. Terima Kasih dan selamat berkarya.

Kaprodi D3 Physiotherapy

Whida Rahmawati, SST.FT, M

Jumlah Statistik
statistik prodi D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

35 Tahun

lebih pengalaman mencetak tenaga ahli kesehatan


Kerjasama Nasional & Internasional


Kurikulum Praktek


To become a leading program with excellent quality in the tridharma (threefold duties) in the field of sport physiotherapy and musculoskeletal management, grounded in PLUS culture, at the national level by 2025.


  1. Provide competency-based education that focuses on the advancement of knowledge in the field of physiotherapy, specifically in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
  2. Conduct high-quality research based on evidence-based practice in physiotherapy, with a focus on musculoskeletal conditions.
  3. Engage in community service and involve the participation of the community, particularly in the field of musculoskeletal health.
  4. Implement modern and efficient management practices that are oriented towards achieving goals, ensuring quality assurance, and utilizing an integrated information system. The program upholds the PLUS culture, which stands for Excellence in service, Noble in character, Superior in achievement, and Prosperous in living together.

Program Objectives

  1. Produce physiotherapy graduates who possess critical and scientific thinking skills, high competitiveness, and competence in the field of physiotherapy, particularly in musculoskeletal physiotherapy.
  2. Enhance partnership and collaboration with government and private institutions at the local and national levels to improve the quality of movement and bodily function, particularly in the field of musculoskeletal health.
  3. Conduct research related to the quality of movement and bodily function in the field of physiotherapy, particularly in musculoskeletal conditions.



Kompetensi Beragam Tiap Semester

Dengan penguasaan praktik sebanyak 60% dan 40% teori, mahasiswa dibekali keterampilan penting tiap semesternya.


The ability to carry out physiotherapy interventions to optimize health in the musculoskeletal field, with a focus on preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative, documentation, and educational efforts. Proficiency in handling emergencies in patients and the ability to perform and modify therapeutic actions for movement and function services in the musculoskeletal aspect throughout the lifespan.

Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta
Kegiatan PBL dan PKL Mahasiswa IIK Bhakta

Pengembangan Kompetensi Mahasiswa dengan PBL dan PKL

Mahasiswa D3 Farmasi melaksanakan PKL sebagai tenaga teknis kefarmasian pada semester 6 (enam) selama satu bulan yang bertempat di RS. Bhayangkara Surabaya, apotek Kimia Farma Surabaya, Malang, Kediri dan sejumlah daerah lainnya di Jawa Timur.

35 Tahun Lebih Berpengalaman dalam Mencetak Tenaga Ahli Kesehatan

IIK Bhakta telah meluluskan 17.500 lebih alumni profesional untuk kemajuan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ribuan alumni telah tersebar ke pelosok negeri agar pelayanan kesehatan dapat secara merata terjangkau.

Bidang Kerja Lulusan
D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

Rumah Sakit
Rumah Sakit
Club kebugaran
Club kebugaran
Pusat Perawatan Kencantikan
Pusat Perawatan Kencantikan
Praktek Mandiri
Praktek Mandiri
Home Visit
Home Visit
PNS / Karyawan Swasta
PNS / Karyawan Swasta

Apa Kata Alumni tentang D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta?

Testimoni Mifta Holida Fitri, lulusan D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

During my studies at IIK Bhakta, both the faculty members and my friends were very friendly. Moreover, in the D3 Physiotherapy program, I gained knowledge about Beauty Physiotherapy and Acupressure, which I can further develop after graduation. Even before I graduated, I already had a job, and I must admit that the job market for Physiotherapy graduates from IIK Bhakta Kediri is still very vast. I had many experiences during my time at this campus that I can apply in the working world. Thank you, IIK Bhakta Physiotherapy. Wishing you continued success.

Mifta Holida Fitri
Graduation Year 2010

Testimoni Adelya Dewi Titisari, lulusan D3 Physiotherapy IIK Bhakta

The campus environment is very conducive for learning. The lessons in the D3 Physiotherapy program are highly interesting and diverse, which fuels my enthusiasm to become a physiotherapist. The professors are friendly and easy to approach for sharing and discussions. I am proud to study D3 Physiotherapy at IIK Bhakta.

Adelya Dewi Titisari
Graduation Year 2011

Course Distribution


distribusi mata kuliah

Fasilitas Laboratorium
D3 Physiotherapy

Laboratorium yang digunakan mahasiswa untuk praktikum agar siap terjun di dunia kerja. Selain itu, baik mahasiswa maupun pengajar dipacu untuk mengembangkan penelitian agar dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian ini didukung oleh Deputi Penelitian dan Social Responsibility IIK Bhakta.

Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
Lab Anak
Lab Anatomi & Fisiologi
Lab Baby Spa
Lab Bermain Anak
Lab CBT Center
Lab Elektroterapi
Lab Gizi
Lab Gymnasium
Lab Imunoserologi
Lab INC & Neunatus
Lab KMB 1
Lab KMB 2
Lab Komunitas Keluarga
Lab Konseling Individu
Lab Laboran dan Alat Tes
Lab Manajemen
Lab Manual Terapi
Lab Mini Hospital
Lab Pediatri
Lab Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
360 Campus Tour IIK Bhakta