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IIK Bhakti Wiyata Public Health Faculty Student Delegation Participates in ISMKMI RAPIMNAS Activities in Riau

9 Oct 2019 11:50 by Edo

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Delegation of IIK Bhakti Wiyata Public Health undergraduate study program students attended the XIth National Leadership Meeting (Rapimnas) of the Indonesian Public Health Student Senate Association (ISMKMI) at the Al Insyirah College of Health Sciences (STIKes) Pekan Baru, Riau on the 4th Last October 9, 2019.

The ISMKMI agenda is an annual routine activity carried out by all national administrators who are members of ISMKMI. In this event, the IIK BW S1 Public Health Study Program sent two delegates, namely Eryantika Cipta Dewi and Aldy Andrianto along with 60 delegates from 35 colleges and other universities with public health majors.

Head of Public Health S1 Study Program IIK BW, Mrs. Reny Nugraheni, S.K.M., M.M., M.Kes. appreciates the students who participated in the ISMKMI event. "I continue to support positive activities carried out by students, these activities are a form of learning for our students, especially next year we (IIK BW) are appointed to host the Indonesian Public Health Student Senate Association (ISMKMI). XII, so that our students get a lot of experience which is very useful for our preparation to host the XIIth ISMKMI next year, "he said.

Two delegates of S1 Kesmas IIK BW had the opportunity to participate in various events such as the National Seminar, Al-Insyirah Public Health Competition Atoph (Advance Training Of Public Health), XI RAPIMNAS ISMKMI to city tours to the Siak Palace Pekanbaru.


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