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First Steps on a New Dentist Journey Through the Dentist Oath of IIK Bhakta Class XXIX

2 Mar 2024 10:18 by Totok Agung

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The IIK Bhakta Faculty of Dentistry held the Oath taking of New Dentists Class XXIX at Bhakta Hall, Saturday (02/02/2024).Taking the oath is the beginning of the journey for 26 new dentists to serve and practice their knowledge to the community. At this dentist's oath, there were international students from Timor Leste who took the oath.Feelings of emotion, pride and happiness colored the dentist's oath ceremony because the procession of wearing the doctor's coat was carried out directly by both parents. This is relatively new, because in the previous procession the dentists immediately wore their proud jackets.The new dentist representative, Drg. Jovinal said that their struggle after being sworn in as dentists was not over. They have to undergo an intership for 6 months at various health centers and hospitals.Meanwhile, representatives of dentist guardians expressed their gratitude to the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation and the IIK Bhakta Faculty of Dentistry community for the guidance given to their sons and daughters so that they have now become dentists. He also hopes that his children will become trustworthy and competent dentists."Hopefully the new dentists who have been appointed can carry out their duties with trust and serve with full dedication," he hoped.

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