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Traditional Health Council and Medical Technician Council Visit IIK Bhakta

7 Nov 2022 15:03 by Totok Agung

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IIK Bhakha received special guests, namely 2 members of the Traditional Health Council and 4 members of the Medical Technician Council, Saturday (07/11/2022).Members of the traditional health council who attended included Pelita Verawaty Sinaga S.Psi.,MM., Psychologist, Rachmat B.Med.Medical Technician Council, Sofiawatie, A.Md.TKV., S.Kep, Ismail, A.Md.Kes., SKM., M.M.Kes, Gugun Priyadi, A.Md.Perkes.,S.AP.,M.Kes and Rahmaniwati, AMTG., M.Kes. This visit aims to socialize the formation of the Indonesian Health Workers Council (KTKI) in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 31/M of 2022 concerning the Appointment of Membership of Each Health Worker's Council, of which currently there are 11 health worker councils. To support the duties and functions of the KTKI, council members from the Traditional Health Council and the Medical Technician Council conducted a road show, one of which was to IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri.The socialization explained some of the council's duties and authorities, such as the implementation of the registration of health workers, the preparation of standardization of health workers, the guidance of health workers and the enforcement of the practice of health care disciplines.IIK Bhakta Kediri, one of the health campuses that produces graduates of health workers in the East Java area, is very happy with the visit from members of the Indonesian health workers council because they can collaborate and synergize in the advancement of education and professional development in the traditional health and medical engineering fields. Related to this, the study programs at IIK Bhakta Kediri that are directly related to this visit are the D4 Traditional Chinese Medicine study program, D3 Medical Records and Health Information. and D3 Dental Engineering IIK Bhakta Kediri.It is hoped that after the visit from this council, the three study programs will receive input for improving the quality of graduates so that they can produce graduates of professional and competent health workers in these fields.


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