Online Field Assessment of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program IIK Bhakta

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Online Field Assessment of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program IIK Bhakta

1 Sep 2021 16:37 by Totok Agung

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Online Field Assessment of D3 Physiotherapy Study Program IIK Bhakta

The Online Field Assessment (Re-Accreditation) activity for the IIK Bhakta D3 Physiotherapy Study Program has been completed on August 30 - September 1, 2021 via the Zoom platform.

The activity, which was held for three days, began with remarks, verification of forms, Straming of Infrastructure and direct interviews through Zoom meetings between assessors and lecturers, education staff (Tendik), students and alumni. While the next day it was filled with discussions and signing of the minutes.

The purpose of the re-accreditation of the D3 Physiotherapy study program periodically for every 5 years by LAM PT-Kes is to evaluate and determine the status and quality rating of the study program based on the quality standards that have been set. It is hoped that the study program can continuously make improvements and maintain high quality in line with the vision and mission of the study program.

Head of the D3 Physiotherapy Study Program IIK Bhakta, Mr. Indra Cahyadinata, SSt.FT., M.Kes expressed his gratitude to the academic community and all parties involved in helping the D3 Physiotherapy Study Program assessment activities for three days run smoothly and hope to get the best assessment from LAM-PTKes

In this field assessment, the assessors in charge were Mr. Budi Utomo, SKM, SST.FT, M.Kes from the Health Polytechnic of the Ministry of Health Surakarta, Surakarta and Mr. Wahyuddin, SST, Ftr, M.Sc, Ph.D from Esa Unggul University, Jakarta.


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