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Scholarships Info

Institut Ilmu Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata (IIK BW) as the first health institute in Indonesia, under the auspices of the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation which has been established since 1985 provides scholarships to outstanding, active and underprivileged students. The scholarships are given as an appreciation for the students concerned in completing education in Indonesia. The types of scholarships available at IIK BW are as follows:  

Unggulan Bhakti Scholarship

It is an appreciation to high school/equivalent students who register as prospective students of IIK Bhakti Wiyata and have achievements in sports, arts, academic & religion, influencers, and activists. Including achievements in the academic field or scientific work at the regency/city level at least.

Scholarship form:

DP3 and tuition fee discounts approximately range from 30-75%.

*) You will get an additional 10% discount from the Normal DP3 if the DP3 fees settle up immediately*) Scholarship applicants will go through an administration selection process. The scholarship recipients decision depends on the Foundations decision.

Category of achievements


Normal DP3 Cashback and Tuition Fee Discount

Sports, Arts, Religion, and Academic








Min. followers/ subscribers

Instagram:10.000 – 50.000

Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter: ≥ 5.000 – 25.000


Min. followers/ subscribers

Instagram:≥ 50.000 – 100.000

Tiktok, Youtube, Twitter: ≥ 25.000 – 50.000











  1. Fill out the scholarship application form.
  2. Provide a photocopy of the competition winner certificate at least at the Regency/City level (within the last 3 years from the registration date) and be able to present the original certificate upon request (for Academic, Sports, Arts, and Religious Achievement categories).
  3. For the Social Media Influencer category:
    • Must have relevant social media posts within the last 3 months, with at least 2 pieces of content per month.
    • A minimum total of 10,000 views/impressions on Instagram, TikTok, or YouTube in the last month (at the time of registration).
  4. For the Activist category:
    • Must hold a position as an organizational leader in the field of education at least at the Regency/City level within the last year at the time of registration.
  5. The scholarship amount will be determined based on the achievements.
  6. Applicable only to the following study programs:
    • D3 Health Information Management (RMIK)
    • D3 Physiotherapy
    • D4 Traditional Chinese Medicine
    • D3 Midwifery
    • S1 Midwifery
    • S1 Nursing
    • S1 Hospital Administration
    • S1 Public Health
    • S1 Psychology


Terms After Becoming a Student:

  1. Willing to participate in IIK Bhakti Wiyata events or represent IIK Bhakti Wiyata in competitions at least equivalent to the level of the scholarship received, with a minimum of one participation per year (for Academic, Arts, and Sports Achievement categories).

  2. Competitions participated in must achieve at least 3rd place annually. Failure to meet this requirement will result in evaluation, and tuition fee discounts will not be granted in the following semester (for Academic, Arts, Sports, and Religious Achievement categories).

  3. Willing to become a member of a relevant Student Activity Unit (for Academic, Arts, Sports, and Religious Achievement categories).

  4. Agree to assist in promoting IIK Bhakti Wiyata by posting on personal social media accounts at least once per month (for Social Media Influencer category).

  5. Maintain a minimum Semester Grade Point Average (GPA) of ≥ 2.25. Failure to meet this requirement will result in evaluation. If the student changes their study program, the scholarship will be terminated.

  6. Scholarships will be terminated if the student takes a leave of absence or withdraws, and cashback from DP3 fees and tuition fee discounts must be fully refunded.

  7. Tuition fee discounts will not apply to semesters beyond the normal study period.

Education Care Scholarship

As an appreciation for prospective students who did not qualify in the Merdeka Scholarship selection in the Kediri city area and come from economically disadvantaged families.

Scholarship details:

  • A 50% discount on DP3 from the normal DP3, with a maximum of Rp 5,000,000.

    *) If the DP3 is paid in full, an additional 10% discount from the normal DP3 will be granted.

    *) Scholarship applicants will undergo a document selection process, and the decision on scholarship recipients will be based on the Foundations decision.



  1. Fill out the scholarship application form.
  2. SKTM (Certificate of Financial Hardship) from the local Village or Sub-district.
  3. Not applicable for the Masters in Public Health program, non-regular programs (RPL, Special Programs, Credit Transfer), and Professional programs.


Conditions after becoming a student:

If a student takes a leave of absence or resigns, the DP3 fee reduction must be fully refunded.

Unggulan Wiyata Scholarship

It is an appreciation for high school/equivalent students who hold academic achievements at school with an average report card score of 80.0 (during class X-XI).

Scholarship form:

DP3 discount of 50% a maximum of IDR 3,000,000

*) You will get an additional 10% discount from the Normal DP3 if the DP3 fees settle up immediately

*) Scholarship applicants will go through an administration selection process. The scholarship recipients decisions depend on the Foundations decision.



a. Fill out the scholarship form.

b. Registrants for S1 Pharmacy & S1 Dentistry, the report card value for Science and Mathematics is at least 80. 

c. Does not apply to Professional Education, RPL, and Special Programs.


Conditions after becoming a student:

If the student takes leave or resigns, the scholarship will discontinue, and the DP3 fee deduction must be returned in full by those who take leave.


Bhakti Wiyata Employee Family Scholarship

It is an appreciation of the employees dedication, staff, and teaching staff under the auspices of the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation.

The Bhakti Wiyata Foundation is awarding to prospective students who are children or siblings of the Bhakti Wiyata Foundations employees.

Scholarship form:

Normal DP3 cashback starting from 20% - 30% DP3 up to IDR 50,000,000

*) If the DP3 settles up immediately, you will get an additional 10% discount from the Normal DP3.

Work Periods

Normal DP3

Full-time employees ≥ 2-3 years

Cashback 20% up to IDR 50,000,000

Full-time employees ≥ 3-4 years

Cashback 25% up to IDR 50,000,000

Full-time employees ≥ 5 years and over

Cashback 30% up to IDR 50,000,000


Scholarship applications will go through an administration selection process. The scholarship recipients decision will depend on the Foundations decision, except for Bachelor of Dentistry for one student and Bachelor of Pharmacy for two students.



  1. Fill out the scholarship form.
  2. Photocopy of family card and birth certificate of prospective students that can prove the relationship of prospective students with employees.
  3. Not valid to non-regular study programs (RPL, specific programs, degree transfer) and professional education.
  4. Attach a certificate of employees tenure from the HC/HRD division of the Bhakti Wiyata Foundation.


Conditions after becoming a student:

If the student takes leave or resigns, the scholarship will discontinue, and the DP3 fee deduction must be returned in full by those who take leave.

Continuity Scholarship

As an appreciation for the alumni of Bhakti Wiyata Health Vocational School / Pelita Nusantara IT Vocational School or other Health Vocational Schools who continue their studies at IIK Bhakti Wiyata.

Scholarship details:

For alumni of SMK Kesehatan Bhakti Wiyata / SMK TI Pelita Nusantara: Cashback DP3 20% from the normal DP3, with a maximum of IDR 10,000,000*.

For alumni of other health vocational schools: Cashback DP3 10% from the normal DP3, with a maximum of IDR 4,000,000*.

*) If the DP3 is paid in full, an additional 10% discount from the normal DP3 will be granted.

*) Scholarship applicants will undergo a document selection process, and the decision on scholarship recipients will be based on the Foundations decision.



  1. Fill out the scholarship application form.
  2. Photocopy of Diploma/Certificate of Graduation from SMK Bhakti Wiyata/ SMK TI Pelita Nusantara or other accredited health vocational schools.
  3. Payment of educational fees from previous studies must be settled in full.


Conditions after becoming a student:

If the student takes leave or resigns, the scholarship will discontinue, and the DP3 fee deduction must be returned in full by those who take leave.

The Bhakta Student Family Scholarship

As an appreciation for prospective students who have families as alumni of IIK Bhakti Wiyata or who are currently studying at IIK Bhakti Wiyata.

Scholarship form:

Cashback DP3 30% from Normal DP3 a maximum of IDR 2,000,000

*) If the DP3 settles up immediately, you will get an additional 10% discount from the Normal DP3.

*) Scholarship applicants will go through an administration selection process. Then, the scholarship recipients decision will depend on the Foundations decision.



a. Fill out the scholarship form.

b. Photocopy of family card and birth certificate of prospective students that can prove their relationship with the families whom as students/alumni of IIK Bhakti Wiyata.

c. Not applicable for the Master of Public Health program, non-regular programs (RPL, Progsus, Transfer Programs), and Professional Programs.


Conditions after becoming a student:

If the student takes leave or resigns, the scholarship will discontinue, and the DP3 fee deduction must be returned in full by those who take leave.

Equitable Learning Program

As an appreciation for prospective students hailing from the Eastern region of Indonesia, which includes: West Nusa Tenggara, East Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua, West Papua, Central Papua, South Papua, and Central Papua.

Detail of scholarship:

The details of the Learning Equality Program are in the form of fee reductions for the following study programs:


Program Cost Details

Normal Fee

 Post Program Fee

Total Deductions for 8 semesters of study





S1 Nursing

Rp 6.700.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 10.500.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 12.000.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 13.000.000,-

Rp 4.500.000,-

All Jareg: Rp 9.400.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 18.700.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 20.200.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 21.200.000,-

S1 Midwifery

Rp 6.300.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 9.000.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 10.000.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 11.000.000,-

Rp 4.500.000,-

All Jareg: Rp 8.000.000,-

Jareg 1: 

Rp 15.400.000,-

Jareg 2: 

Rp 16.400.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 17.400.000,-

S1 Pharmacy

Rp 14.000.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 32.000.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 33.000.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 35.000.000,-

Rp 10.000.000,

All Jareg: Rp 28.600.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 35.400.000,-

Jareg 2: 

Rp 36.400.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 38.4000,-

S1 Public HealthRp 4.800.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 9.000.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 10.000.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 11.000.000,-
Rp 3.000.000,-All Jareg: Rp 8.000.000,

Jareg 1:

Rp 15.400.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 16.400.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 17.400.000,-
S1 Hospital Administration

Rp 5.000.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 9.500.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 10.000.000,-

Jareg 3:

Rp 11.500.000,-
Rp 4.000.000,-All Jareg: Rp 8.500.000,-

Jareg 1:

Rp 13.000.000,-

Jareg 2:

Rp 13.500.000,-

Jareg 3: Rp15.000.000


  1. Jareg 1, 2, 3 represent registration schedule periods adjusted to the registration schedule for the Academic Year 2025-2026.

  2. The DP3 discount is applicable only for the full DP3 payment system. If the installment system is chosen, the DP3 value will return to normal. The discount value cannot be combined with the DP3 10% discount program.

  3. The SPP value is valid if there is no payment delay. In case of delay, the SPP value for that period will revert to the normal SPP value along with the late payment penalty.



a. Fill out the scholarship application form.

b. Prospective students must be native residents of the chosen City/Regency and hold a Family Card.


Conditions after becoming a student:

  • If a student takes a leave of absence or resigns, the DP3 and SPP fee reductions must be fully refunded.

  • If a student transfers to another program, the scholarship will be terminated.

  • If a student exceeds the normal study period, there will be no reduction in SPP beyond the regular study period.

Merdeka Scholarship

The Merdeka Scholarship applies to prospective students originating from selected regions and who have had prior cooperation with the government. The designated regions and programs are as follows:



Quota Full

Quota 50:50

Study Program

Program Requirements

Kediri, Blitar, Tulungagung, Nganjuk, dan Trenggalek

@10 people

@20 people
  1. D3 RMIK
  2. D3 Fisioterapi
  3. D4 Pengobatan Tradisional Tiongkok
  4. D3 Kebidanan
  5. S1 Kebidanan
  6. S1 Keperawatan
  7. S1 Administrasi Rumah Sakit
  8. S1 Kesehatan Masyarakat
  9. S1 Psikologi

  • Khusus Prodi D3 dan S1 Kebidanan: Hanya untuk wanita dan tinggi badan minimal 150 cm.
  • Khusus Prodi S1 Keperawatan: Tinggi badan pria minimal 155 cm dan wanita minimal 150 cm.

NTT, NTB, Maluku Utara, Maluku, Papua, Sulawesi Tengah, Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Lampung, Papua Pegunungan, Papua Selatan, dan Papua Tengah

@20 people

@40 people


Merdeka Scholarship Requirements:

a. Complete the required application documents as specified by IIK Bhakta.

b. Applicants must be native residents of the selected City/Regency, proven by a Family Card (Kartu Keluarga).

c. Applicants must pass the admission test conducted by IIK Bhakta or the related government-organized test (if applicable).

d. Applicants must obtain a recommendation letter from the relevant government authority.

e. Submit a signed declaration letter by the applicant and their guardian, agreeing to comply with the following points:

  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 throughout their studies and regularly report their GPA each semester to the Student Affairs Deputy, following the normal study duration.
  • Complete their studies within or earlier than the normal study duration. If they exceed the normal study duration, the scholarship will be terminated, and the excess costs will be borne by the student.
  • If they withdraw, change majors, or fail to comply with existing rules, they must return the scholarship funds received.


 Scholarship Coverage:
a) Exemption from re-registration fees, including education contributions, DP3 (development fees), PKKMB (student orientation program), as well as tuition fees for 4 years (for bachelors and D4 programs) and 3 years (for D3 programs).
b) The Merdeka Scholarship does not cover the following costs: Application Form Fee, Uniform Fee, Medical Test Fee, Living and Housing Expenses, Graduation, Internship, and other incidental costs.

SNBT Scholarship

As an appreciation for prospective students who did not pass the selection for the SNBT Scholarship Program for the 2025-2026 Academic Year and register through the Regular Pathway 3, which starts on June 13, 2025, and ends with the closing of the 2025-2026 registration schedule.

Scholarship Coverage:

UTBK Score


400- 599

50% Cashback on DP3 from the Normal DP3, up to a maximum of IDR 2,000,000.

600- 700

50% Cashback on DP3 from the Normal DP3, up to a maximum of IDR 3,000,000.

> 701

50% Cashback on DP3 from the Normal DP3, up to a maximum of IDR 5,000,000.

*) Jika DP3 langsung dilunasi akan mendapatkan tambahan diskon 10% dari DP3 Normal.

*) Pendaftar beasiswa akan melewati proses seleksi berkas dan keputusan penerima beasiswa berdasarkan dari keputusan Yayasan.


a. Complete the scholarship application form.
b. Attach the SNBT scores for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.
c. Applicable only for D3, D4, and Bachelor’s (S1) programs.


Provisions After Becoming a Student:

If a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws, the DP3 cashback must be fully refunded.

Foster Child Scholarship

A scholarship intended for prospective students residing in orphanages, with the following terms and conditions:

Study Program


  1. D3 Programs: RMIK (Medical Record and Health Information), Physiotherapy, Midwifery
  2. D4 Program: Traditional Chinese Medicine
  3. S1 Programs: Midwifery, Nursing, Public Health, Psychology, Hospital Administration

Each program admits 5 students, except for the D4 Traditional Chinese Medicine program, which has a quota of 3 students.



  1. Complete the application documents and pass the interview selection.
  2. No grades below the minimum passing standard (KKM) on the report card at the time of registration.
  3. A recommendation letter from the orphanage stating that the scholarship applicant has been residing there for at least 3 years.
  4. Not receiving scholarships or having work commitments with other organizations.
  5. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 throughout the study period.
  6. Be willing to promote IIK Bhakta on personal social media platforms and participate as a promotional talent for IIK Bhakta’s media.


The scholarship covers the following expenses:

  • Re-registration, including uniforms, orientation program (osmaru), and practical equipment.
  • DP3 (development fees).
  • Tuition fees for 4 years (for D4 and Bachelor’s programs) and 3 years (for D3 programs).
  • Incidental fees.
  • Internship.
  • Graduation.

The scholarship does not cover the following expenses:

  • Application form.
  • Medical test.
  • Living expenses and accommodation.

Bhakta 40th Anniversary Scholarship

Beasiswa diperuntukkan bagi siswa SMA/sederajat yang mendaftar sebagai calon mahasiswa IIK Bhakta sesuai dengan Jalur Pendaftaran yang dipilih. Bentuk beasiswa:

Scholarship Coverage:

Registration Pathway


10% Tuition Fee Discount until Graduation

Regular Pathway 1


Regular Pathway 2


Regular Pathway 3




  • Complete the scholarship application form.
  • Not applicable for the Master of Public Health program, Professional Education programs, RPL, and Special Programs.
  • For applicants to the Bachelor of Pharmacy and Bachelor of Dentistry programs, science and math grades on the report card must be at least 75. Applicants to the Bachelor of Dentistry program are required to take a Computer-Based Test and a Psychological Test.
  • Specifically for prospective students who pay the DP3 fee in full upfront.


Provisions After Becoming a Student:

  • If a student takes a leave of absence or withdraws, the scholarship will be terminated, and the tuition fee discount must be fully refunded.
  • The scholarship is only provided for the normal study period. If the student exceeds the normal study duration, the scholarship for subsequent semesters will be discontinued.

*Submission Form for all scholarships can be clicked here

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