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The Public Health Undergraduate Study Program held an online Occupational Health and Safety (K3) seminar, through the Zoom application and Youtube IIk BW, Saturday (05/09/2020).
With the theme "Potential and Opportunities for SKM as K3 Experts in the Industrial Sector" this event presented reliable speakers including Ningsih Dewi Sumaningrum, S.KM., M.KKK, Frangky, S.KM., M.KKK.
and Moh. Hafis, S.KM. The three speakers presented occupational health and safety materials: theory and their role in public health education, K3 learning experience at IIK Bhakti Wiyata Kediri and the potential to become an OSH expert in the industrial sector and tips for success in becoming an OSH expert in the industrial sector.
In the event, he explained clearly the importance of K3 in the industrial sector to education. In addition to prioritizing the safety and health of project workers, the surrounding community and for the project itself, which can avoid costs incurred due to work accidents that may occur. This can be used as provision for the public and students who will work in the industrial world can apply K3 properly and with full discipline.
Reny Nugraheni, S.KM., MM, M.KM hopes that this seminar will be useful for students.
"Hopefully with this event the seminar participants can increase their knowledge, understanding and importance of K3 in companies and in society," h