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IIK Bhakti Wiyata (IIK Bhakta) student again won a proud achievement in the UNP CUP Pencak Silat event which was held at PGRI University Kediri, Saturday-Sunday (3-4 July 2022).The students were Alfira Maudy Sukmaning, a Public Health Undergraduate student who won 2nd place in Pencak Silat in the Women's Category, M. Nur Husna from the D3 Pharmacy study program, won 3rd place, Mulyani Dwi Atmojo from the Physiotherapy D3 study program, won 3rd place in Male Catheory and Syendriva Zeptian Zenmas from the Physiotherapy study program. S1 Pharmacy won 2nd place in the Men's category. The four students are members of the Setia Hati Terate Pencak Silat UKM, IIK Bhakta Commissariat.Alfira expressed her pride for the achievements she and her friends had made. "We are proud of this achievement, we can bring the good name of IIK Bhakta in the pencak silat championship and become champions, hopefully this achievement can inspire other friends. Greetings Silat," he concluded.